Benefits of Robotic Surgery in Benign Gynaecological Diseases

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In recent years, the field of medicine has witnessed remarkable advancements, and one such breakthrough is robotics-assisted surgery for benign gynecologic diseases. Robotic-assisted surgeries are revolutionising the way gynaecological procedures are performed, offering numerous advantages for patients and enhancing patient outcomes.

Minimal Invasive Approach

Robotic surgery is an advanced form of laparoscopic surgery with better vision, endowrist movement, and tremor filtration while retaining the advantages of minimally invasive surgery like smaller incisions resulting in less pain, reduced scarring, and shorter hospital stays. Patients experience less discomfort, and the risk of infection is lowered, leading to a faster return to normal activities and cosmetically better scars.

Precise Surgical Procedures

Robotic surgery for benign gynaecological diseases enables surgeons to perform intricate and precise procedures with enhanced dexterity and accuracy. The robotic arms precisely mimic the surgeon’s movements, reducing the risk of errors and minimising damage to surrounding tissues. The 3-D camera vision precision translates to precise tissue dissection, leading to less postoperative pain and reduced postoperative complications. This 3-D camera vision and tremor filtration improves surgical precision, reducing the risk of excessive bleeding. Patients benefit from decreased blood loss during surgery, improving overall outcomes.

Robotic-Assisted Myomectomies

Robotic-assisted surgery is particularly important in gynaecological procedures like myomectomies, where accurate dissection due to 3-D vision and good suturing even for multiple myomas and posterior myomas due to 7 endowrist movement directions with a robot gives better fertility outcomes. Combining smaller incisions and precise surgical techniques with 3-D vision reduces tissue trauma, resulting in less pain and discomfort for patients.

Patients can usually be discharged in 24 hours.

Robotic-assisted hysterectomies can be done with more ease and safety than conventional laparoscopy in obese patients, large uteri with multiple fibroids or patients with adhesions due to previous multiple surgeries.

Deep Pelvic Endometriosis

Robotic surgery in deep pelvic endometriosis with complex distorted anatomy of the pelvis allows surgeons to navigate complex anatomical structures more effectively and safely due to better visualisation than conventional laparoscopy with a 3D camera with autofocus, with endowrist movement in multiple directions and tremor filtration, even in prolonged surgeries. Ureterolysis and dissection in retroperitoneal spaces require less training for robotic surgery than laparoscopic approach for surgeons.

  • Robotic surgeries are ergonomically better than conventional laparoscopic surgeries.
  • Surgeon fatigue is minimised using a console where the surgeon sits and operates.
  • There are fewer conversions to open surgery for surgeries for endometrial cancer.
  • Robotics-assisted surgeries are also advantageous in sacrocolpopexies with fewer complications and faster recovery. The success rate is high.


The advent of robotic gynaecological surgeries represents a significant milestone in the field of healthcare. The benefits it offers in terms of precision, less blood loss, minimally invasive procedures, faster recovery, and improved patient outcomes are transforming the way gynaecological surgeries are performed.

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